In early November NECP held its annual end-of-season party. Amid much laughter, ribbing and storytelling, we celebrated the past year of playing, handed out awards, elected officers for next year, and looked forward to another year of polo.
In 2008 Bill Schoolcraft will return for a second term as club president, and Betsy Reynolds will reprise her role as club secretary. Cheryl Crawford will continue to handle insurance and Nick Nagel holds the thankless (but critical) job of equipment and gear coordination. Allison Corbett will manage the Web site, coordinate recruiting and serve as new player liaison. K Trepanier is our new PR guru.
In 2007 we designed and constructed new goals for Spy Pond, founded a partnership with the Watertown Boys & Girls Club, launched a new Web site, and hosted a summer tournament. We welcomed guest players from places as nearby as New York and as far away as Israel. We competed in five tournaments and welcomed new players who are bringing fresh skills and perspectives — not to mention a lot of enthusiasm! — to the club. And somehow we found time to work and sleep…at least most of the time!
We’re very excited about the challenges and opportunities that 2008 will bring. This year we’d like to expand our club and put in place a more structured new player training program. We’re also seeking an outdoor training location that will offer more permanent boat and gear storage and allow us to train more effectively.
If you’d like to play with us — or if you’d like to help or participate in some other way — drop us a line!