New England Canoe Polo

New Officers and New Blood for 2011

Our club officers for 2011 are:

  • President: Julie Downall
  • Treasurer: Betsy Reynolds
  • Insurance Coordinator: Rebecca Sugarman
  • Equipment Coordinator: Michael Buonaiuto

We were delighted to have our largest turnout to date during the 2010-2011 winter season. Much of the growth came from a large number of talented and enthusiastic new players.

Many NECP’ers contributed time and energy to recruiting, coordinating, and mentoring new players. We’re thrilled to have so much fresh blood! (Er, not literally…well, at least not at most practices!).

Due to a combination of changing club demographics, consistent annual algae problems in Spy Pond, and the costs of goal construction and takedown, we decided not to build permanent goals on Spy Pond this year. Instead we’ve moved to the Charles River in Newton.

The Lasell College boathouse has been kind enough to allow us to launch off their dock, and the bridge next door is a very convenient place to hang a goal.

Meanwhile, dedicated club members John Corbett, Jason Kates, and Adam Kates have built us an additional floating goal, bringing our total to two. We’ve enjoyed a number of great full-court games on the Charles, and we expect the portable goals to save the club substantial time and money in building, maintaining, and taking down the permanent goals each year.

All in all, 2011 is off to a great start, and we’re looking forward to finishing out the year in style: by sending at least two (and possibly 3) teams to the US Nationals in Omaha, NE in September!