New England Canoe Polo

US National Championships 2007

On September 14-16, 2007 NECP competed in the US National competition in the Mecklenburg Aquatic Center in Charlotte, NC.

We sent 4 teams in all, competing in the A, B, Women’s, and Open Divisions. Many of our players sharpened their skills by competing in more than one division. Our hard work this summer paid off when both our A division and women’s teams took 3rd place in their respective divisions.

Our B and Open teams put up a fierce fight in their divisions. We are particularly proud of our B division team, many of whom were new players. Several players stepped up to compete in the US Nationals as their first polo tournament.

Our teams were as follows:

Boston 1 (A Division): Heiko Cordt, Andy Gasparini, Andreas Knorr, Nick Nagel, Bill Schoolcraft, Scott Simpson, Karl Wall, and Oliver Will.

Lady Lobsters (Women’s Division): Artemis Agelaridou, Rebecca Brumer, Allison Corbett, Cheryl Crawford, and Betsy Reynolds.

Boston Bees (B Division): Rebecca Brumer, Allison Corbett, John Corbett, Steph Koufman, Betsy Reynolds, and Jim Twohig.

Boston Freefall (Open Division): Rebecca Brumer, Allison Corbett, John Corbett, Andy Gasparini, Eva Lau, Nick Nagel, Betsy Reynolds, Bill Schoolcraft, Karl Wall, and Oliver Will.

Many thanks to the Carolina Kayak Polo Club for organizing a great competition!